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Liquid Sky Apk Play Store App

Android 2.0 App will Launch end of March 2017.
LiquidSky lets you run any PC program or game on your Android device! Simply open the LiquidSky app and your device is transformed into the Ultimate Windows Gaming Desktop PC. Run games like Fallout 4, Call of Duty, Witcher 3 and many more on their highest settings! You don't even need to own a computer! Apply for the beta or purchase a plan today and access a full Windows desktop PC hosted in the cloud to install any Windows program or game. LiquidSky supports almost any OTG/Bluetooth keyboard, mouse or controller.
LiquidSky requires a stable 4G/WiFi internet connection to function properly and may not be compatible with your Android device. For the best experience we recommend being within 1,000km of a data center. We currently have 13 data centers across the world.
Data Center Locations Include: San Jose, CA - Dallas, TX - Washington D.C. - Frankfurt, Germany - London, UK -Milan, Italy, - Hong Kong - Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea - Sydney, Australia - Mexico City, Mexico - Sao Paulo, Brasil
Learn more at
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Apply for the beta by downloading the app and creating a free account.