GpsPasSion forum member [Ospray] has released a new version of MioPocket. For those of you that don’t know, MioPocket is a great unlock kit for GPS units. It basically unlocks the hidden potential of your GPS so you can access the built-in functionality of a PDA as well as retaining the GPS software. This means you can play music, watch video, play games, read and write office documents, and many other things with the once single-purpose device.

Miopocket lite
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The main features of MioPocket Lite are: 1. MioPocket Lite can be installed either as an SD-Card installation (runs from the SD card), SD-Free (runs from the flash drive) or SD-WiFi (runs from the SD card but WiFi related files are transferred to the flash drive to facilitate the use of WiFi SD cards).

Originally written for Mio brand devices, it has been successfully used on a couple other brands. We’ve seen it on a Navigon 2100 using a modified install. This software can run directly off the SD card, so it can easily be updated or removed.

The fun part is fiddling with the scripts to get the newest releases to work on the Navigon and Magellan devices.

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edited November -1 in GPS Discussions
I have few issues with Miopocket 4.0. My GPS Device (Where I installed MioPocket 4.0) is Navman s50.
1. It says that I don't have NET Framework. (I though that the NET Framework comes with Miopocket.)
2. I can't change skins. When I change, I get error message: 'Bad icons.xml Check for errors please. (Remember: No Special Characters and tag well formed)' Then I need to fully reinstall and remove all MioPocket files from my SD card.
3. When I select 'Close MioPocket' from upright cross button I can´t get Windows CE desktop (No taskbar or shorcuts) Only wallpaper.
There are many other issues, but these are the most irritating ones.
Thanks- Eemil


  • I have found that most Windows CE based devices have only the bare necessities needed to run the included software. I have installed other software like Miopocket and OziExplorer on a variety of units including a Mio c510, Magellan Roadmate 1700 and Maestro 5310, Magellan Triton 1500 and HP iPAQ 310. Of all these, only the iPAQ had the Windows CE desktop and utility programs (it also works with ActiveSync).
    So my guess is that there just isn't any desktop on your device. I think NET Framework is something that comes with Windows, but not sure. As far as skins, etc... I always found a lot of issues there and gave up on MioPocket. It just seems to bloated in general to run on such stripped-down devices.
    But my guess is that you won't find a lot of help here since most of our users don't install alternate software on their PND's. You might get more help over at gpspassion in their 'All in One' Navigation Systems forum.
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